Latest Past Events

Clinical Ethics Forum: How can I know what is important to you?

TranslaTUM Ismaninger Str. 22 22, Munich

Who is the person who is a patient here in the hospital? Is there anything I should know as a professional so that I can understand what the person needs? Why is the right to self-determination so important and where are the limits? How can we approach people from different backgrounds, social environments, cultures and religions with an open attitude? With contributions on diversity, people of Islamic faith, communication across religions and the treatment wishes of patients, we would like to open up the forum and exchange ideas with you. Employees from all professional groups from all areas of the MRI, trainees, students and guests are welcome to attend this series of events organized by the Clinical Ethics Committee. Registration by e-mail to

14th Diocesan Medical Conference: "Just healthcare" Medicine, ethics and pastoral care in interdisciplinary dialog

Karmeliter Hall, Karmeliterstraße 1, 80333 Munich Karmeliterstraße 1, Munich

The well-being of patients is the top priority, and this principle of medical practice is subject to a wide range of tensions today. Many questions arise: The healthcare system "has to pay off" - in what way? As a doctor, can I still work the way I want to? What is the relationship between "talking medicine" and "apparatus medicine" ... Continued


Children's hospice symposium: Advance care planning for children, adolescents and young adults

Vienna House EASY Goethestrasse 11, Leipzig

The Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. is holding its symposium on "Advance Care Planning for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults" at Vienna House in Leipzig on 20.09.2024. The conference will be opened by Dr. med. Kathrin Knochel, Senior Physician for Kinetic Ethics, Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at the Technical University of Munich with the topic "Advance Care ... Continued
