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IHEM external speaker Prof. Stefania Centrone: public ZOOM access

Stefania Centrone is a Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science at TUM. Her research focuses on theoretical philosophy, combining systematic analysis with a historical perspective. Her work is highly interdisciplinary. At TUM, she aims to integrate philosophy with social sciences, mathematics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. At the IHEM External Speaker talk, she examines the evolution of the metaphor "thinking is reckoning" throughout the history of philosophy, tracing its development from Socrates to contemporary discussions.

IHEM external speaker Prof. Ruth Horn: public ZOOM access

Title: Ethical and social implications of public-private partnerships in the context of genomic/big health data collection Abstract: This talk discusses the ethical and social issues raised by public-private partnerships in the context of large-scale genomics initiatives in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Israel, i.e. collaborations where commercial entities are given access to publicly held ... Continued

IHEM external speaker Eduard Fosch Villaronga: public ZOOM access

Online Discussion Online

The IHEM is happy to host Eduard Fosch Villaronga of the Leiden University for a new edition of our external speaker series with the following topic: Knowledge for Robot Policy There is an increasing gap between the policy cycle's speed and that of technological and social change. While the EU has recently passed the AI ... Continued