OBELISK - Fighting childhood obesity to stay healthy all over the life

Obelisk (https://obeliskproject.eu/) is a five-year research project that aims to prevent childhood obesity and contribute to improving the health, quality of life and life expectancy of people of all ages in Europe.

The project assumes that the most effective way to prevent a high prevalence of obesity throughout life is to prevent its development in children and promote the maintenance of a healthy weight in adolescence and young adulthood.

The main concept behind Obelisk is the understanding, the Forecast and the Prevention of obesity in children and the provision of precision medicine treatments for those affected. The 4P approach of Obelisk includes the active Participation of all stakeholders, including families, scientific and medical communities, daycare centers, schools, policy makers and industry, to drive social innovation and achieve successful outcomes.

Our ambitious research program will be implemented over a period of five years by a consortium of 15 partners across Europe. The program is based on the 4P approach. It aims to develop evidence-based clinical guidelines, best practices and prevention strategies to combat overweight and obesity and related health problems at all stages of life.

Using predictive tools and targeted prevention strategies developed by Obelisk, patients and physicians can work together to make informed decisions about the most appropriate interventions to curb childhood obesity development. This empowers patients to take control of their own health and well-being.

By following Obelisk's evidence-based guidelines, policy makers, national and local authorities, kindergartens, schools and sports centers can create more effective prevention campaigns to combat childhood overweight and obesity.



The TUM ethics team is leading work package 2, which will support the ethical development and implementation of preventive measures against childhood obesity.

The objectives of WP2 include:

  • Consideration of ethical issues throughout the duration of the project.
  • Conduct a literature and guideline review to systematically identify ELSI related to childhood obesity prevention and guideline-based options.
  • Exploring the views and experiences of critical stakeholders in relation to childhood obesity prevention.
  • Development of ethical recommendations as an ELSI-specific policy brief.

Dr. Stuart McLennan
Mail: stuart.mclennan@tum.de
TUM School of Medicine and Health, Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine, Ismaninger Str. 22, 81679 Munich

Project Management:
Stuart McLennan

01.05.2023 -30.04.2028

Project Type:
EU consortium

Funding source:
EU project Horizon