Dr. Bettina Zimmermann

Research fellow

Dr. Bettina Zimmermann is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and also a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Bio- and Medical Ethics (IBMB) at the University of Basel (Switzerland). She completed her dissertation in 2020 on "Informed Decision Making for Genetic Testing: Public discourse and individual choice" summa cum laude at the University of Basel. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Sciences (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland) as well as a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland) and a Master of Science in Molecular Medicine (Uppsala University, Sweden).

Her research activities relate to the empirical ethics of public health, incorporating public media discourses and social science approaches.

At TUM, she is working as a research associate on the "TherVacB" project, investigating the ethical challenges associated with recruitment for clinical trials via social media.

Bettina Zimmermann has already received several research grants for young researchers and successfully completed research projects under her own leadership. For example, she received the Käthe-Zingg Schwichtenberg Fund of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences in 2019 and the Research Fund for Young Investigators of the University of Basel in 2020.

  • Genetic testing, autonomy, and public health.
  • Public discourses and the public health
  • Cost coverage for expensive drugs for rare diseases
  • Solidarity in times of a pandemic
  • Study recruitment via social media