
Doctoral theses and PhD dissertation projects at the Institute

Medical doctoral theses are supervised at the Institute of History and Ethics in Medicine. Medical students interested in pursuing a PhD in the field of medical ethics should send their application documents (CV, letter of motivation, if available: Publication list and outline of a project idea) please to: medizinethik.med@tum.de. Individual PhD dissertation projects are also supervised.

Dissertations in progress

Supervised by Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx
  • Adaktylos-Surber, Katharina: "Examination of a concept for the allocation of scarce intensive care resources (prioritization) in the context of a pandemic at a university hospital" (Mentor: Dr. Kathrin Knochel)
  • Bechtel, Julie: "Technology-assisted physiotherapy for stroke patients: ethical and social consequences" (Mentor: Dr. Bettina Zimmermann)
  • Bergmaier, Georg: "The Plague in the Bavarian-Salzburg Border Area from 1348-1715".
  • Fuchsbrunner, Gloria: "The professional responsibility of physicians in the context of participatory decision-making when life-sustaining measures are dispensed with or terminated in the neonatal intensive care unit" (Mentor: Dr. Kathrin Knochel)
  • Katzur, Julia (née Koch): "The 'Kinderfachabteilung' in the Heil-und Pflegeanstalt Eglfing-Haar and the National Socialist 'Kindereuthanasie' between 1940 and 1945".
  • Matthes, Nina: "Using social media to recruit vulnerable populations: ethical benefits, challenges and recommendations"
  • Michalsen, Anna: "The proactive ethics offer Ethikvisite: Experiences of experts and development of a structured offer" (Mentor: Dr. Kathrin Knochel)
  • Rehm, Dominik: "Infanticide among 'primitive peoples' in Peter Singer's justification of early euthanasia using the example of the Yanomami Indians of the Amazon."
  • Ruhland, Isabella: "Dealing with National Socialist 'Euthanasia' in the Visual Arts after 1945."
  • Schimmerl, Li: "Ethical Aspects of CFS/ME."
  • Schmolke, Eva-Maria: "Ethical analysis of guidelines for the distribution of scarce intensive care resources during a pandemic and their implementation from the perspective of potential users in Germany" (Mentors: Dr. Kathrin Knochel, Dr. phil. Lukas J. Meier)
  • Schönweitz, Franziska: "Ethical guidance in the development and application of invasive as well as non-invasive neurotechnologies".
  • Untergehrer, Eva: "The Trial of Hermann Pfannmüller: An Attempt to Come to Terms with the Nazi Euthanasia Crimes in Bavaria."
  • Winckler, Solveig (née Lohmaier): "Human Enhancement in Film and Literature - A Medical View".


Supervised by Prof. Dr. Marcello Ienca
  • Haag, Lea: "Ethical Considerations and Patient Perspectives in Closed-Loop Brain Stimulation"
  • Sobieska, Alexander
  • Schopp, Laura


Supervised by PD Dr. Stuart McLennan
  • Gercekcioglu, Ayca: "How can the risk of healthcare AI applications harming people of color be ethically addressed in Germany?"
  • Gerlach, Lara: "Ethical implications of embodied AI in medicine"
  • Wagner, Konstantin: "The ethical appropriateness of the current use and regulation of homeopathy in Germany" (Mentor: Dr. phil. Lukas J. Meier)


The Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine welcomes your contact.

T  +49 89 4140 4041
M  office.ethics@mh.tum.de

Mon-Thu: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Fri: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (core hours)
Ismaninger street 22
81675 Munich