Prof. Dr. med. Alena Buyx M.A. phil., FRSA

Institute Director

Prof. Alena Buyx, MD, is Professor of Ethics in Medicine and Health Technologies and Director of the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine (IGEM) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

She holds the venia legendi for the subject triad ethics, history and theory of medicine. Since 2020, she has been chair of the German Ethics Council, of which she has already been a member since 2016.

Alena Buyx works across the breadth of biomedical ethics and theory, from the 'classic' medical ethics issues arising from clinical practice, to challenges posed by biotechnological innovation and medical research; to ethical and justice issues in modern health care systems.

She follows an interdisciplinary approach of embedded ethics, where ethical aspects are part of the development of medical innovations from the very beginning. She collaborates with clinical colleagues as well as with lawyers, social scientists, philosophers, health economists or psychologists.

Alena Buyx publishes high-ranking articles on her research topics, for example in Science, BMJ, or Bioethics. In the last five years, she has raised over €3.5 million in external funding for her own ethics projects (EU, DFG, BMBF, etc.) and has been or is PI in various major proposals (Wissenschaftsrat, Exzellenzinitiative, etc.).

She is a member of various national, international and university committees, regularly advises large international research consortia and gives numerous lectures to a wide variety of audiences. In 2020, she became a member of the Leopoldina in the section "Philosophy of Science". She also advises various governmental and political institutions on health care issues.

Professor Alena Buyx is a fully qualified physician with further degrees in philosophy and sociology. Prior to her appointment in Munich, she worked at the University of Kiel, the University of Münster, Harvard University, Deputy Director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and Senior Fellow at University College London.

  1. Ethical implications of modern biomedicine and health technology.
  2. Research Ethics
  3. Social and Public Health Ethics
  4. Embedded Ethics
  5. Solidarity
Bak, Marieke;Madai, Vince I.;Celi, Leo Anthony;Kaissis, Georgios A.;Cornet, Ronald;Maris, Menno;Rueckert, Daniel;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2024). Federated learning is not a cure-all for data ethics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: Nature Machine Intelligence [mehr...]
Knochel, Kathrin;Schmolke, Eva-Maria;Meier, Lukas;Buyx, Alena (2024). Translating theories of justice into a practice model for triage of scarce intensive care resources during a pandemic., Band 38, Ausgabe 3, S. 223-232 [mehr...]
Schönweitz, Franziska B.;Zimmermann, Bettina M.;Hangel, Nora;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Sierawska, Anna;Buyx, Alena (2024). Solidarity and reciprocity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal qualitative interview study from Germany, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: BMC Public Health, Band 24, Ausgabe 1 [mehr...]
Erdbrügger, Tim;Westhoff, Andreas;Höltershinken, Malte;Radecke, Jan-Ole;Buschermöhle, Yvonne;Buyx, Alena;Wallois, Fabrice;Pursiainen, Sampsa;Gross, Joachim;Lencer, Rebekka;Engwer, Christian;Wolters, Carsten (2023). CutFEM forward modeling for EEG source analysis., Band 17 [mehr...]
Fiske, Amelia;Lange, Johannes;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2023). Responding to uncertainty in the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from Bavaria, Germany, Oxford University Press (OUP), In: Science and Public Policy, Band 50, Ausgabe 5, S. 881-892 [mehr...]
Fritzsche, Marie-Christine;Akyüz, Kaya;Cano Abadía, Mónica;McLennan, Stuart;Marttinen, Pekka;Mayrhofer, Michaela Th;Buyx, Alena M (2023). Ethical layering in AI-driven polygenic risk scores-New complexities, new challenges., Band 14 [mehr...]
Goldman, Nina;Willem, Theresa;Buyx, Alena;Zimmermann, Bettina M (2023). Practical Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations on Social Media Recruitment: Multi-Stakeholder Interview Study., Band 25 [mehr...]
Holohan, Michael;Buyx, Alena;Fiske, Amelia (2023). Staying Curious With Conversational AI in Psychotherapy., Band 23, Ausgabe 5, S. 14-16 [mehr...]
Müller, Ruth;Ruess, Anja Kathrin;Schönweitz, Franziska Britta;Buyx, Alena;Gil Ávila, Cristina;Ploner, Markus (2023). Next steps for global collaboration to minimize racial and ethnic bias in neuroscience., Band 26, Ausgabe 7, S. 1132-1133 [mehr...]
Sprengholz, Philipp;Felgendreff, Lisa;Buyx, Alena;Betsch, Cornelia (2023). Toward future triage regulations: Investigating preferred allocation principles of the German public., Band 134 [mehr...]
Sprengholz, Philipp;Felgendreff, Lisa;Buyx, Alena;Betsch, Cornelia (2023). Toward future triage regulations: Investigating preferred allocation principles of the German public, Elsevier BV, In: Health Policy, Band 134, S. 104845 [mehr...]
Tigard, Daniel W.;Braun, Maximilian;Breuer, Svenja;Ritt, Konstantin;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena (2023). Toward best practices in embedded ethics: Suggestions for interdisciplinary technology development, Elsevier BV, In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Band 167, S. 104467 [mehr...]
Zimmermann, Bettina M;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2023). Newspaper coverage on solidarity and personal responsibility in the COVID-19 pandemic: A content analysis from Germany and German-speaking Switzerland., Band 22 [mehr...]
Zimmermann, Bettina M;Paul, Katharina T;Araújo, Emília R;Buyx, Alena;Ferstl, Sebastian;Fiske, Amelia;Kraus, David;Marelli, Luca;McLennan, Stuart;Porta, Vittoria;Prainsack, Barbara;Radhuber, Isabella M;Saxinger, Gertrude (2023). The social and socio-political embeddedness of COVID-19 vaccination decision-making: A five-country qualitative interview study from Europe., Band 41, Ausgabe 12, S. 2084-2092 [mehr...]
Hein, A; Meier, L; Buyx, Alena; Diepold, Klaus; (2022) A Fuzzy-Cognitive-Maps Approach to Decision-Making in Medical Ethics , IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE)
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Aktualisierte Beurteilung der Infektionslage und notwendiger Maßnahmen , Berlin, 22.01.2022
Meier, Lukas; Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Algorithms for Ethical Decision-Making in the Clinic: A Proof of Concept, The American Journal of Bioethics, 22, 7, p. 4-20, 10.1080/15265161.2022.2040647
Richter, Gesine; Loh, Wulf; Buyx, Alena; Graf von Kielmansegg, Sebastian; (2022) Datenreiche Medizin und das Problem der Einwilligung [Big Data and the Threat to Moral Responsibility in Healthcare] , Springer
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Die Notwendigkeit kurzer Reaktionszeiten zur Bekämpfung infektiöser Gefahren , Berlin, 08.03.2022
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Dringende Maßnahmen für eine verbesserte Datenerhebung und Digitalisierung , Berlin, 22.01.2022
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Ein verantwortungsvoller Weg der Öffnungen , Berlin, 13.02.2022
McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Tigard, Daniel; Müller, R; Sami, Haddadin; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Embedded ethics: a proposal for integrating ethics into the development of medical AI , BMC Med Ethics, 23, 6,
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Erforschung von Long/Post-COVID und klinische Versorgung Betroffener verbunden mit der notwendigen Aufklärung und Kommunikation , Berlin, 15.05.2022
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Ergänzende Erkenntnisse zur Omikron-Variante und notwendige Vorbereitungen des Gesundheitssystems auf die kommende Infektionswelle , Berlin, 06.01.2022
Zimmermann, Bettina; Willem, Theresa; Bredthauer, CJ; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Ethical Issues in Social Media Recruitment for Clinical Studies: Ethical Analysis and Framework, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24, 5, e31231, 10.2196/31231
McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Ethische Aspekte digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien Marckmann, Georg; , Praxisbuch Ethik in der Medizin [Practical book on ethics in medicine], 2. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage [2nd edition], Berlin, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 227-234
Fritzsche, Marie-Christine; Buyx, Alena; Hangel, Nora; (2022) Mapping ethical and social aspects of biomarker research and its application in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis: a systematic review of reason, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 10.1111/jdv.18128
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Pandemievorbereitung auf Herbst/Winter 2022/23 Nachhaltige Strukturen schaffen, Berlin, 08.06.2022
McLennan, Stuart; Rachut, S; Lange, J; Fiske, Amelia; D, Heckmann; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Practices and attitudes of Bavarian stakeholders regarding the secondary-use of health data for research purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24, 6, e38754, 10.2196/38754
Archard, D; Buyx, Alena; Delfraissy, JF; (2022) Responding to the humanitarian crisis of the war in Ukraine with lessons from COVID-19 , Lancet, (Letter) 399, 10337, 1776, 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00731-0
Willem, Theresa; Krammer, S; Böhm, AS; French, LE; D, Hartmann; Lasser, T; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Risks and benefits of dermatological machine learning healthcare applications an overview and ethical analysis, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology,
Hangel, Nora; Schönweitz, Franziska; McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Bettina, Zimmermann; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Solidaristic behavior and its limits: A qualitative study about German and Swiss residents’ behaviors towards public health measures during COVID-19 lockdown in April 2020, SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2,
Fiske, Amelia; Schönweitz, Franziska; Eichinger, Johanna; Zimmermann, Bettina; Nora, Hangel; Sierawska, Anna; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2022) The COVID-19 Vaccine: Trust, doubt, and hope for a future beyond the pandemic in Germany, Plos One, 17, 4, e0266659,
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Vulnerabilität und Resilienz in der Krise – Ethische Kriterien für Entscheidungen in einer Pandemie , Berlin, 04.04.2022
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Zur Notwendigkeit des Infektionsschutzes für pflegebedürftige Menschen in Pflegeeinrichtungen , Berlin, 24.05.2022
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Zur Notwendigkeit einer prioritären Berücksichtigung des Kindeswohls in der Pandemie , Berlin, 17.02.2022
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2022) Zur Notwendigkeit evidenzbasierter Risiko- und Gesundheitskommunikation , Berlin, 30.01.2022
Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Qualitative Evidence for Concern: Digital health technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic, AJOB Neuroscience, 13, 3, 204-206,
Kieslich, K; Meyers, G; Buyx, Alena; El-Sayed, S; Amelia, Fiske; Galasso, I; Geiger, S; Hangel, Nora; Horn, R; Johnson, S; Kuiper, J; Lucivero, F; McLennan, Stuart; Paul, K; Pot, M; Zimmermann, Bettina; Eichinger, Johanna; Schönweitz, Franziska; Sierawska, Anna; et al., ; (2022) Democratic research: Setting up a qualitative, comparative and longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic, Accepted with Social Science and Medicine – Qualitative Research in Health
Meier, L.J.; Hein, A.; Diepold, K.; Buyx, A.; (2022) Clinical Ethics – to Compute, or Not to Compute? , The American Journal of Bioethics, 22, 12, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2022.2127970
Knochel, K.; Adaktylos-Surber, K.; Schmolke, E.-M.; Meier, L. J.; K., Kuehlmeyer; Ulm, K.; Buyx, A.; Schneider, G.; Heim, M.; (2022) Preparing for the Worst-Case Scenario in a Pandemic: Intensivists Simulate Prioritization and Triage of Scarce ICU Resources. , Critical Care Medicine, 50, 12, 1714-1724, DOI: 10.1097/ccm.0000000000005684
Schreyer, K; Kuhn, Eva; Rogge, A; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Apps auf Rezept, aber wie? Fallbasierter Problemaufriss medizinethischer Implikationen zu DiGAs, Das Gesundheitswesen, 10.1055/a-1473-5655
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2021) Besondere Regeln für Geimpfte? , Berlin, 04.02.2021
Drees, C; Krevers, B; Ekerstad, N; Borzikowsky, C; Stuart, McLennan; Rogge, A; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Clinical Priority Setting and Decision Making in Sweden: A Cross-sectional Survey Among Physicians, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.16
Reetz, J; Richter, Gesine; Borzikowsky, C; Glinicke, C; S, Darabaneanu; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Consent to research participation: understanding and motivation among German pupils, BMC Medical Ethics, 22, 93,
Müller, Sebastian; Kuhn, Eva; Buyx, Alena; Heidbrink, Ludger; (2021) Do consumers care about work health issues? A qualitative study on voluntary occupational health activities and consumer social responsibility, Business and Society Review, 126, 2, 169-191,
Zimmermann, Bettina; Fiske, Amelia; Prainsack, Barbara; Hangel, Nora; Stuart, McLennan; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Early Perceptions of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in German-Speaking Countries: Comparative Mixed Methods Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, 2, e25525,
Corona ExpertInnenrat der Bundesregierung, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2021) Einordnung und Konsequenzen der Omikronwelle , Berlin, 19.12.2021
Wehkamp, K; Kuhn, Eva; Petzina, R; Buyx, Alena; A, Rogge; (2021) Enhancing Patient Safety by Integrating Ethical Dimensions to Critical Incident Reporting Systems , BMC Med Ethics, 22, 26,
Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Ethical Insights from the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany: considerations for building resilient healthcare systems in Europe, Lancet Regional Health Europe, 9, 23.05.2174,
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2021) Ethische Orientierung zur Frage einer allgemeinen gesetzlichen Impfpflicht, , Berlin, 21.12.2021
Zimmermann, Bettina; Eichinger, Johanna; Schönweitz, Franziska; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Face mask uptake in the absence of mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study with Swiss residents, BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-10. Doi:, 21, 2171,
Kuhn, Eva; Müller, S; Teusch, C; Tanner, G; M, Gude; Baur, C; Heidbrink, L; Bamberg, E; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Interfaces of Occupational Health Management and Corporate Social Responsibility: A multi-centre qualitative study from Germany, BMC Public Health, 21, 1042,
Zimmermann, Bettina; Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Sierawska, Anna; Nora, Hangel; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Motivations and Limits for COVID-19 Policy Compliance in Germany and Switzerland , International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.30
Kuhn, Eva; Fiske, Amelia; Henningsen, Peter; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Psychotherapie mit einer autonomen künstlichen Intelligenz Ethische Chancen und Herausforderungen, Psychiatrische Praxis, 48, S 01, 26-30, 10.1055/a-1369-2938
Eberherr, AC; Maaske, A; Wolf, C; Giesert, F; R, Berutti; Graf, E; Effner, R; Strom, TM; Meitinger, T; Buyx, Alena; Hagl, B; Renner, ED; (2021) Successfully restored STAT3 function in hyper-IgE syndrome using adenine base editing , The CRISPR Journal, 4, 2, 178-190, 10.1089/crispr.2020.0111
McLennan, Stuart; Jansen, Carolin; Buyx, Alena; (2021) The Discussion of Risk in German Surgical Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Qualitative Review, Innovative Surgical Science,
Sierawska, Anna; Prehn-Kristensen, A; Brauer, H; Krauel, K; C, Breitling-Ziegler; Siniatchkin, M; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Transcranial direct-current stimulation and pediatric attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-Findings from an interview ethics study with children, adolescents, and their parents. Kadosh, RC; Zaehle, T; Krauel, K; , Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Vol. 264, 363-386
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2021) Zur Impfpflicht gegen Covid-19 für Mitarbeitende in besonderer beruflicher Verantwortung , Berlin, 11.11.2021
Sierawska, Anna; Prehn-Kristensen, A; Brauer, H; Krauel, K; Carolin, Breitling-Ziegler; Siniatchkin, M; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Transcranial direct-current stimulation and pediatric attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – findings from an interview ethics study with children, adolescents, and their parents, Progress in Brain Research, 264, 363-386, 10.1016/bs.pbr.2021.04.002
Zimmermann, Bettina; Fiske, Amelia; Prainsack, B; Hangel, Nora; Stuart, McLennan; Buyx, Alena; (2021) The Conceptualisation of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in German-speaking Countries in April 2020: A Comparative Mixed Methods Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, 2, e25525
Stelzer, IV; Sierawska, Anna; Buyx, Alena; Simon, J; (2020) A Network-Based Mixed Methods Approach to Analyze Current Perspectives on Personalized Oncological Medicine in Austria , Journal of Personalized Medicine, 10, 4, 02.10.1900, 10.3390/jpm10040276
McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Celi, LA; Müller, R; J, Harder; Ritt, K; Haddadin, S; Buyx, Alena; (2020) An embedded ethics approach for AI development , Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, 488-490,
Richter, Gesine; Borzikowsky, C; Lesch, W; Semler, SC; EM, Bunnik; Buyx, Alena; Krawczak, M; (2020) Attitudes towards secondary use of personal data for medical research: Results from patient and population surveys in the Netherlands and Germany, European Journal of Human Genetics,
Fiske, Amelia; Buhl, A; Buyx, Alena; Winkler, A; (2020) Auch eine soziale Pandemie , Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 117, 39
Wild, N; Buyx, Alena; Majno-Hurst, S; Munthe, C; A, Rid; Strech, D; Thompson, A; (2020) Covid-19: Eine Ad hoc Public-Health-Ethikberatung, Das Gesundheitswesen, 82, p. 1-7
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO), ; Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, ; Buyx, Alena (u. a.); (2020) Empfehlungen für einen gerechten und geregelten Zugang zu einem Covid-19-Impfstoff , Berlin, 09.11.2020, Gemeinsames Positionspapier
Sierawska, Anna; Moliadze, V; Splittgerber, M; Rogge, A; M, Siniatchkin; Buyx, A; (2020) First Epileptic Seizure and Initial Diagnosis of Juvenile Myoclonus Epilepsy (JME) in a Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Study – Ethical Analysis of a Clinical case , Neuroethics, 13, 3, 347-351, 10.1007/s12152-020-09444-6
Bamberg, E; Tanner, G; Baur, C; Stein, M; M, Schümann; Buyx, Alena; Kuhn, Eva; Heidbrink, L; Müller, S; Abel, G; Teusch, C; (2020) GESIOP-Tool für Gesunde Arbeit Tanner, G; Bamberg, E; , Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (er)weiter(t) denken, Handlungsempfehlungen aus dem Projekt GESIOP, 29-74,
Müller, S; Teusch, C; Kuhn, Eva; Buyx, Alena; L, Heidbrink; (2020) Gesundheitslabel Eine Bestandsaufnahme, 10.38071/876508745430731
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2020) Immunitätsbescheinigungen in der Covid-19-Pandemie , Berlin, 22.09.2020
Richter, Gesine; Lesch, W; Buyx, Alena; (2020) Internationale Klausurwoche „neue ethische Herausforderugen in der datenreichen Forschungsmedizin: ein Ländervergleich, Ethik in der Medizin, 32, 2, 213-218
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2020) Mindestmaß an sozialen Kontakten in der Langzeitpflege während der Covid-19-Pandemie , Berlin, 18.12.2020
Buyx, Alena; Lipp, V; (2020) Orientierungshilfen in der Corona-Krise – Die Ad-hoc-Empfehlung des Deutschen Ethikrats und die Klinisch-ethischen Empfehlungen von sieben Fachgesellschaften aus der Medizin , Medizinrecht, 38, 433–434,
Richter, Gesine; De Clercq, E; Mertz, M; Buyx, Alena; (2020) Reporting of secondary findings in genomic research: Stakeholders’ attitudes and preferencesLanganke, M; Erdmann, P; Brothers, KB; , Secondary Findings in Genomic Research, 99-132
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2020) Robotik für gute Pflege , Berlin, 10.03.2020
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2020) Solidarität und Verantwortung in der Corona-Krise , Berlin, 27.03.2020
Littmann, J; Rid, A; Buyx, Alena; (2020) Tackling Anti-microbial Resistance: An Ethical Framework for Rational Antibiotic UseJamrozik, E; Selgelid, M; , Ethics and Drug Resistance:, Collective Responsibility for Global Public Health, Public Health Ethics Analysis, vol 5., Springer, Cham.
Fiske, Amelia; Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2020) The double-edged sword of digital self care: Physician perspectives from Northern Germany, Social Science and Medicine, 260, 09.11.2209, doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113174
Fiske, Amelia; Henningsen, Peter; Buyx, Alena; (2020) The ethical implications of embodied artificial intelligence in mental healthcare for digital wellbeing Floridi, L; Burr, C; , The Ethics of Digital Well-Being:, A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Oxford University Press, 207-219
Kuhn, Eva; Müller, S; Heidbrink, L; Buyx, Alena; (2020) The Ethics of Workplace Health Promotion , Public Health Ethics, phaa007,
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2020) Tierwohlachtung Zum verantwortlichen Umgang mit Nutztieren, Berlin, 16.06.2020
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2020) Trans-Identität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Therapeutische Kontroversen - ethische Orientierungen, Berlin, 21.02.2020
Lim, MS; Beyer, T; Babayan, A; Bergmann, M; M, Brehme; Buyx, Alena; Czernin, J; Egger, G; Elenitoba-Johnson, KSJ; Gückel, B; Jacan, A; Haslacher, H; Hicks, RJ; Kenner, L; Langanke, M; Mitterhauser, M; Pichler, BJ; Salih, HR; Schibli, R; et al., ; (2019) Advancing biomarker development through convergent engagement , Molecular Imaging Biology, 10.1007/s11307-019-01361-2
Berberat, PO; Henningsen, Peter; Teufel, P; Frick, E; G, Hohendorf; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Ärztliche Haltung, ethische Reflexionsfähigkeit und professionelle Subjektivität , Bayerisches Ärzteblatt, 74, 01. Feb, 21.01.1900
McMahon, A; Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2019) Big data governance needs more collective agency: The role of harm mitigation in the governance of data use in medicine and beyond, Medical Law Review, fwz016,
Fiske, Amelia; Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Data Work: Meaning-Making in the Era of Data-Rich Medicine, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, 7, e11672, 10.2196/11672
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2019) Eingriffe in die menschliche Keimbahn , Berlin, 09.05.2019
Rid, A; Littmann, J; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Evaluating the risks of public health programs: The example of “rational antibiotic use”, Bioethics,
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2019) Impfen als Zwang? , Berlin, 27.06.2019
Lieb, W; Jacobs, G; Wolf, A; Richter, G; KI, Gaede; Schwarz, J; Arnold, N; Böhm, R; Buyx, Alena; Cascorbi, I; Franke, A; Glinicke, C; Held-Feindt, J; Junker, R; Kalthoff, H; Kramer, HH; Leypoldt, F; Maass, N; Maetzler, W; et al., ; (2019) Linking pre-existing biorepositories for medical research: The PopGen 2.0 Network, Journal of Community Genetics, 10.1007/s12687-019-00417-8
Fiske, Amelia; Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Meeting the needs of underserved populations: setting the agenda for more inclusive citizen science of medicine, Journal of Medical Ethics, 45, 9, 617-622, 10.1136/medethics-2018-105253
Richter, Gesine; Borzikowsky, C; Lieb, W; Schreiber, S; M, Krawczak; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Patient views on research use of clinical data without consent: Legal, but also acceptable?, European Journal of Human Genetics, 27, 841–847,
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Special Issue: Solidarity: New Frontiers. Bioethics 33(1)
Sierawska, Anna; Prehn-Kristensen, A; Moliadze, V; Krauel, K; R, Nowak; Freitag, CM; Siniatchkin, M; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Unmet Needs in Children with ADHD – Can tDCS Fill the Gap? Promises and Ethical Challenges, Frontiers in Psychiatry,
Fiske, Amelia; Henningsen, Peter; Buyx, Alena; (2019) Your robot therapist will see you now: Ethical implications of embodied artificial intelligence in psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, 5, e13216, 10.2196/13216
Richter, Gesine; Krawczak, M; Lieb, W; Wolff, L; S, Schreiber; Buyx, Alena; (2018) Broad consent for healthcare-embedded biobanking: understanding and reasons to donate in a large patient sample, Genetics in Medicine, 20, 1, 76-82
Buyx, Alena; (2018) Ethischer Kommentar zu ‚Sammlung und Nutzung klinischer Patientendaten als Grundlage computergestützter klinischer Assistenzsysteme‘ , Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik, 64, 2, 176-180
Fiske, Amelia; Buyx, Alena*; Prainsack, Barbara*; (2018) Health Information Counselors: A New Profession for the Age of Big Data?, Academic Medicine, 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002395
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2018) Herausforderungen im Umgang mit seltenen Erkrankungen , Berlin, 23.11.2018
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2018) Hilfe durch Zwang? Professionelle Sorgebeziehungen im Spannungsfeld von Wohl und Selbstbestimmung, Berlin, 01.11.2018
Crico, C; Renzi, C; Graf, N; Buyx, Alena; H, Kondylakis; Koumakis, L; Pravettoni, G; (2018) mHealth and telemedicine apps: in search of a common regulation, Ecancermedicalscience, 12, 853, 10.3332/ecancer.2018.853
Buyx, Alena; Birks, D; (2018) Neuroscience and social problems: The case of neuropunishment, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 27, 4, 628-634
Birks, D; Buyx, Alena; (2018) Punishing Intentions and Neurointerventions , AJOB Neuroscience, 9, 3, 133-134
Littmann, J; Buyx, Alena; (2018) Rationaler Antibiotikaeinsatz als ethische Herausforderung , Bundesgesundheitsblatt,
Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2018) Solidarity can make a difference: Addressing transformations in healthcare, demographics, and technological replacement , Bioethics, 32, 537–554
Littmann, J; Rid, A; Buyx, Alena; (2018) Tackling anti-microbial resistance Ethical framework for rational antibiotic use, European Journal of Public Health, 28, 2, 359-363, 10.1093/eurpub/ckx165
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2018) The value of work and labour: Addressing the Future of Work (FOW) through the lens of solidarity, Bioethics, 32, 9, 585-592
Fiske, Amelia; Del Salvio, L; Prainsack, B; Buyx, Alena; (2018) Why citizen science? Dickel, S; , Personal Health Science, Springer, 195-217
Buyx, Dana; Buyx, Alena; (2017) Sonderheft Forschungsethik im Wandel Forschung 12/2017, Universitätsverlag Webler
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2017) Big Data und Gesundheit Datensouveränität als informationelle Freiheitsgestaltung, Berlin, 30.11.2017
Müller, S; Kuhn, Eva; Buyx, Alena; (2017) Corporate Social Responsibility und Betriebliches Gesundheits-management – Eine Betrachtung der Gemeinsamkeiten , Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 18, 3, 307-327
Buyx, Alena; Del Salvio, L; Prainsack, Barbara; Völzke, H; (2017) Every Participant is a PI Citizen Science and Participatory Governance in Population Studies, International Journal of Epidemiology, 46, 2, 377-384
Buyx, Alena; (2017) Forschungsethische Implikationen von Big Data im Gesundheitsbereich: die Stellungnahme des Deutschen Ethikrats von November 2017, Zeitschrift Forschung, 03. Apr, 85-90
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2017) Keimbahneingriffe am menschlichen Embryo: Deutscher Ethikrat fordertglobalen politischen Diskurs und internationale Regulierung, Berlin, 29.09.2017
Del Salvio, L; Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2017) Motivations of Participants in the Citizen Science of Microbiomics Data from the British Gut Project, Genetics in Medicine, 19, 8, 959-961
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2017) Solidarity in biomedicine and beyond , Cambridge University Press
Buyx, Dana; Buyx, Alena; (2017) Sonderheft „Forschungsethik im Wandel“ Forschung 12/2017, Universitätsverlag Webler
Deutscher Ethikrat (DER), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2017) Suizidprävention statt Suizidunterstützung Erinnerung an eine Forderung des Deutschen Ethikrates anlässlich einer Entscheidung des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts, Berlin, 01.07.2017
Richter, Gesine; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Breite Einwilligung (broad consent) zur Biobank-Forschung – die ethische Debatte , Ethik in der Medizin, 10.1007/s00481-016-0398-4
Del Salvio, L; Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Crowdsourcing the Human Gut , Journal of Science Communication, 15, 3, p. 1-16
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Das Solidaritätsprinzip Plädoyer für eine Renaissance in Medizin und Bioethik, Campus Verlag
Zentrale Ethikkommission bei der Bundesärztekammer (ZEKO), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2016) Entscheidungsfähigkeit und Entscheidungsassistenz in der Medizin , Berlin
West-Oram, P; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Global Health Solidarity , Public Health Ethics, 10, 12, 212–224
Buyx, Alena; Kollar, E; Laukötter, S; (2016) Health Justice: a collection of critical essays, Bioethics, 30, 1, p. 2-4
Kollar, E; Laukötter, S; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Humanity and Justice in Global Health , Bioethics, 30, 1, 41-8
Zentrale Ethikkommission bei der Bundesärztekammer (ZEKO), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2016) Medizinische Altersschätzung bei unbegleiteten jungen Flüchtlingen , Berlin
Del Salvio, L; Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2016) Opening the black box of participation in medicine and healthcare , ITA-manu:script, p. 16-01
Langanke, M; Liedtke, W; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Patients’ responsibility for their health Schramme, T; Edwards, S; , Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine, Chapter 38, Springer, 620-640
West-Oram, P; Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2016) Solidarity in Bioethics , eLS, p. 1-5
Kollar, E; Laukötter, S; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Special Issue: Just Health – the Capability Approach Bioethics 30(1)
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2016) Thinking ethical and regulatory frameworks in medicine from the perspective of solidarity on both sides of the Atlantic , Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 37, 6, 489–501
Zentrale Ethikkommission bei der Bundesärztekammer (ZEKO), ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2016) Umgang mit medizinischen Angeboten im Ausland Ethische und rechtliche Fragen des "Medizintourismus", Berlin
Buyx, Alena; Jox, R; Marckmann, Georg; Schicktanz, S; D, Strech; Wild, V; (2015) Alkoholabstinenz vor Lebertransplantation , Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 112, 49, A-2078 / B-1716 / C-1662
Littmann, J; Buyx, Alena; Cars, O; (2015) Antibiotic resistance: An ethical challenge, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 46, 4, 359-61
Buyx, Alena; Duffner, A; (2015) Bevölkerungswachstum und demographischer Wandel Sturma, D; , Handbuch Bioethik, Chapter 6, De Gruyter, 209-213
Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2015) Bioethics in a post-genomic age Wright, J; , International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2. Ausgabe, Elsevier, 625-630
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2015) Ethics of healthcare policy and the concept of solidarity , The Palgrave International Handbook of Health Care Policy and Governance, Chapter 39, 649-666
Littmann, J; Buyx, Alena; (2014) Antibiotikaresistenz Ethische Aspekte einer drängenden Herausforderung, Ethik in der Medizin, 27, 4, 301-14, 10.1007/s00481-014-0328-2
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2014) Nudging and solidarity: do they go together?, Eurohealth, 20, 2, p. 11-14
Buyx, Alena; (2014) Smart drugs: ethical issues and suggestions for policy makingClausen, J; Levy, N; , Handbook on neuroethics, Springer, 1191-1206
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2013) A solidarity-based approach to the governance of biobanks , Medical Law Review, 21, 1, 71-91
Buyx, Alena; (2013) Enhancement und Krankheitsbegriff: gerechtigkeitstheoretische AspekteHucklenbroich, P; Buyx, A; , Krankheits- und Funktionsbegriff in der Medizin, Paderborn, mentis, 283-311
Hucklenbroich, P; Buyx, Alena; (2013) Krankheits- und Funktionsbegriff in der Medizin , Paderborn, Mentis Verlag
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2013) Novel neurotechnologies: intervening in the brain
Kollar, E; Buyx, Alena; (2013) The ethics and policy of medical brain drain Review, Swiss Medical Weekly, 143, w13845
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2012) Emerging biotechnologies: ethical issues
Buyx, Alena; Prainsack, Barbara; (2012) Lifestyle-related diseases and individual responsibility through the prism of solidarity , Clinical Ethics, 7, 79-85
Buyx, Alena; Friedrich, DR; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2012) Mindestnutzenschwellen im Gesundheitswesen Ethische Argumente, Befragungsdaten und gesundheitspolitischer Ausblick, Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik, 2, 37-44
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2012) Mitochondrial donation: ethical issues
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2012) Solidarität – Der Versuch einer neuen Definition Weiss, Martin; Greif, Hajo; , Ethics, Society, Politics, Proceedings of the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, Frankfurt, Ontos, 574-596
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2012) Solidarity in contemporary bioethics – towards a new approach , Bioethics, 26, 7, 343-350
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2012) Understanding solidarity (with a little help from your friends) , Public Health Ethics, 5, 2, 206-210
Buyx, Alena; Strech, D; Schmidt, H; (2012) Zur Ethik einer Vorsorge durch (direct-to-consumer) individuelle Genanalysen und Ganzkörper-MRTs Erläuterung und Diskussion der Empfehlungen des Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 106, 29–39
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2011) Biofuels: ethical issues
Buyx, Alena; Tait, J; (2011) Ethical Framework for Biofuels , Science, 332, 6029, 540-541
Buyx, Alena; Friedrich, DR; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2011) Ethics and effectiveness: rationing healthcare by thresholds of minimum effectiveness, British Medical Journal, 342, 531-533
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2011) Human bodies in medicine & research
Prainsack, Barbara; Buyx, Alena; (2011) Solidarity Reflections on an emerging concept in bioethics, Nuffield Bioethics:
Buyx, Alena; (2011) Tissue typing und saviour siblings: Überlegungen zu einer besonderen Anwendung der PräimplantationsdiagnostiHuster, S; Gethmann, CF; , Recht und Ethik in der Präimplantationsdiagnostik, p. 12-36
Buyx, Alena; (2011) Verteilungsgerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen – die aktuelle Debatte Ach, JS; Bayertz, K; Siep, L; , Grundkurs Ethik, Band 2, Paderborn, mentis, 49-63
Michalke, D; Buyx, Alena; Reiermann, S; Wiedebusch, S; H, Wolters; Muthny, FA; (2011) Vorhersage der postoperativen Lebensqualität von Empfängern einer Lebendnierenspende aus prätransplantativen Befunden , Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, 40, 329-36
Buyx, Alena; (2010) Eigenverantwortung als Kriterium der Prioritätensetzung in Medizinsystem und Public Health Strech, D; Marckmann, G; , Public Health Ethik, Münster, Lit Verlag, 129-153
Buyx, Alena; Huster, S; (2010) Ethische Aspekte von Public Health , Ethik in der Medizin, 21, 3, 175-177
Buyx, Alena; (2010) Können, sollen, müssen? Public Health-Politik und libertärer Paternalismus, Ethik in der Medizin, 21, 3, 221-34
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2010) Medical profiling and online medicine: the ethics of 'personalised healthcare' in a consumer age
Buyx, Alena; (2010) Wie gleich kann Gesundheit sein? Ethische und gerechtigkeitstheoretische Aspekte gesundheitlicher Ungleichheiten, Das Gesundheitswesen, 72, 1, 48-53
Buyx, Alena; Hucklenbroich, P; (2009) Wunscherfüllende Medizin“ und Krankheitsbegriff: „ Eine medizintheoretische AnalyseKettner, M; , Wunschmedizin, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Verlag, 25-55
Buyx, Alena; Hucklenbroich, P; (2009) „Wunscherfüllende Medizin“ und Krankheitsbegriff: Eine medizintheoretische AnalyseKettner, M; , Wunschmedizin, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Verlag, 25-55
Buyx, Alena; (2009) Allocating health care resources: the role of personal responsibilityKenway, I; Holm, S; Gunning, J; , Ethics, Law and Society, Vol. IV., Ashgate Publ., 341-350
Buyx, Alena; (2009) Anreize in der postmortalen Organspende: Belohnte Spendebereitschaft, Ethik in der Medizin, 21, 1, p. 7-20
Buyx, Alena; (2009) Blood donation, payment, and non-cash incentives – old problems gathering renewed interest , Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 36, 5, 329-39
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, ; Buyx, Alena u. a.; (2009) Dementia: ethical issues
Buyx, Alena; Friedrich, DR; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2009) Marginale Wirksamkeit als Posteriorisierungskriterium – Begriffsklärungen und ethisch relevante Vorüberlegungen , Ethik in der Medizin, 21, 2, 89-100
Buyx, Alena; Friedrich, D; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2009) Marginale Wirksamkeit als Rationierungskriterium – Begriffsklärungen und ethisch relevante Vorüberlegungen Wohlgemuth, WA; Freitag, MH; , Priorisierung in der Medizin – Interdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze, Berlin, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 201-217
Gordijn, B; Buyx, Alena; (2009) Neural Engineering – The Ethical Challenges Ahead Giordano, J; Gordijn, B; , Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 283-301
Friedrich, DR; Buyx, Alena; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2009) Priorisierung: Marginale Wirksamkeit als Ausschlusskriterium, Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 106, 31-32, 1562-1564
Wiedebusch, S; Kreußer, S; Steinke, C; Muthny, FA; HJ, Pavenstädt; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Senninger, N; Suwelack, B; Buyx, Alena; (2009) Quality of life, coping and mental health status after living kidney donation , Transplantation Proceedings, 41(5): 1483-1488
Buyx, Alena; (2008) Be careful what you wish for? Theoretical and normative aspects of wish-fulfilling medicine, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 11, 2, 133-143
Buyx, Alena; Maxwell, B; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2008) Challenges of educating for medical professionalism: who should step up to the plate?, Medical Education, 11, 133-134
Buyx, Alena; Maxwell, B; Supper, H; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; (2008) Medizinethik als Unterrichtsfach , Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 120, 21-22, 655-664
Buyx, Alena; (2008) Personal responsibility for health – why we don`t like it and why maybe we should , Journal of Medical Ethics, 34, 12, 871-874
Buyx, Alena; (2007) Freiwillige Selbstversklavung – Eine extreme Form der Kommerzialisierung Taupitz, J; , Kommerzialisierung des menschlichen Körpers, Berlin u.a., Springer, 261-274
Buyx, Alena; (2007) Gesundheit für alle? Einführung in Gerechtigkeitsfragen der modernen MedizinJüttemann, V; , Mehr schlecht als recht?, Eine interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit der Gerechtigkeit, Münster u.a., Waxmann, 73-101
Buyx, Alena; (2007) Moderate finanzielle Anreize in der Postmortalspende , Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 132, 45, 2392-2395
Buyx, Alena; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Ach, J; (2006) ‚Gerecht behandelt?’ Thematische EinführungSchöne-Seifert, Bettina; Buyx, Alena; Ach, J; , Gerecht behandelt?, Rationierung und Priorisierung im Gesundheitswesen, Paderborn, mentis, p. 7-13
Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Buyx, Alena; Ach, J; (2006) Gerecht behandelt? Rationierung und Priorisierung im Gesundheitswesen, Paderborn, Mentis Verlag
Buyx, Alena; Evers, S; (2006) Kenntnisstand und Einstellungen von medizinischem Personal zu Patientenverfügungen – vorläufige Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie Rothärmel, S; Schmidt, KW; Wolfslast, G; , Vorausverfügung für das Lebensende, Implementierung von Patientenverfügung und Vorsorgevollmacht in die klinische und ambulante Versorgung, Frankfurt a. M., Zentrum für Ethik in der Medizin am Markus-Krankenhaus, p. 14-16
Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Buyx, Alena; (2006) Marginale Wirksamkeit medizinischer Maßnahmen: ein faires Rationierungskriterium?Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Buyx, Alena; Ach, J; , Gerecht behandelt?, Rationierung und Priorisierung im Gesundheitswesen, Paderborn, mentis, 215-234
Buyx, Alena; (2005) Eigenverantwortung – Verteilungskriterium im Gesundheitswesen? , Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 130, 24, 1512-1515
Buyx, Alena; (2005) Eigenverantwortung als Verteilungskriterium im Gesundheitswesen – Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Umsetzung Rauprich, O; Marckmann, G; Vollmann, J; , Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit in der modernen Medizin, Paderborn, mentis, 315-334
Floel, A; Buyx, Alena; Breitenstein, C; Lohmann, H; S, Knecht; (2005) Handedness and hemispheric lateralization of spatial attention , Behavioural Brain Research, 158, 2, 269-275
  • GTE Lecture (SoSe)
  • Ethics and Palliative Care Seminar (Certificate of Achievement GTE) (SoSe and WiSe)
  • Vocational Field Orientation (BFE) (WiSe)
  • Lecture Terminology (WiSe)
  • Elective

Alena Buyx gives scientific and public lectures on the following topics:

  • Ethical challenges in medicine
  • Ethical implications of new developments and technologies in medicine (AI in medicine).
  • Research Ethics
  • Solidarity and justice in health care
  • Public Health Ethics
  • Ethics of the pandemic
  • Genome editing and germline interventions