McLennan, Stuart;Bak, Marieke;Knochel, Kathrin (2025). Slow Codes are symptomatic of ethically and legally inappropriate CPR policies, Wiley, In: Bioethics
[mehr...]McLennan, Stuart;Meyer, Leila;Wangmo, Tenzin;Gaab, Jens;Elger, Bernice;Seaward, Helene (2025). Psychological stressors of imprisonment and coping of older incarcerated persons: a qualitative interview study, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: BMC Public Health, Band 25, Ausgabe 1
Bak, Marieke;Madai, Vince I.;Celi, Leo Anthony;Kaissis, Georgios A.;Cornet, Ronald;Maris, Menno;Rueckert, Daniel;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2024). Federated learning is not a cure-all for data ethics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: Nature Machine Intelligence
[mehr...]Cordes, Ashley;Bak, Marieke;Lyndon, Mataroria;Hudson, Maui;Fiske, Amelia;Celi, Leo Anthony;McLennan, Stuart (2024). Competing interests: digital health and indigenous data sovereignty., Band 7, Ausgabe 1
[mehr...]Eichinger, J.;Elger, B. S.;McLennan, S.;Filges, I.;Koné, I. (2024). Attitudes Towards Non-directiveness Among Medical Geneticists in Germany and Switzerland, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
[mehr...]McLennan, Stuart;Fiske, Amelia;Celi, Leo Anthony (2024). Building a house without foundations? A 24-country qualitative interview study on artificial intelligence in intensive care medicine., Band 31, Ausgabe 1
[mehr...]McLennan, Stuart;Fiske, Amelia;Celi, Leo Anthony (2024). Building a house without foundations? A 24-country qualitative interview study on artificial intelligence in intensive care medicine, BMJ, In: BMJ Health & Care Informatics, Band 31, Ausgabe 1, S. e101052
[mehr...]Schimmerl, Li;Haller, Bernhard;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2024). German medical students’ views regarding Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): a cross-sectional survey, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: Discover Education, Band 3, Ausgabe 1
[mehr...]Schönweitz, Franziska B.;Zimmermann, Bettina M.;Hangel, Nora;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Sierawska, Anna;Buyx, Alena (2024). Solidarity and reciprocity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal qualitative interview study from Germany, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: BMC Public Health, Band 24, Ausgabe 1
[mehr...]Schönweitz, Franziska B;Zimmermann, Bettina M;Hangel, Nora;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Sierawska, Anna;Buyx, Alena (2024). Solidarity and reciprocity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal qualitative interview study from Germany., Band 24, Ausgabe 1
[mehr...]Tigard, Daniel W.;Braun, Maximilian;Breuer, Svenja;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena (2024). Embedded Ethics and the “Soft Impacts” of Technology, SAGE Publications, In: Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
[mehr...]Willem, Theresa;Fritzsche, Marie-Christine;Zimmermann, Bettina M.;Sierawska, Anna;Breuer, Svenja;Braun, Maximilian;Ruess, Anja K.;Bak, Marieke;Schönweitz, Franziska B.;Meier, Lukas J.;Fiske, Amelia;Tigard, Daniel;Müller, Ruth;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena (2024). Embedded Ethics in Practice: A Toolbox for Integrating the Analysis of Ethical and Social Issues into Healthcare AI Research, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, In: Science and Engineering Ethics, Band 31, Ausgabe 1
[mehr...]Ziegler, Jennifer;Morley, Katharine;Pilcher, David;Bellomo, Rinaldo;Soares, Marcio;Salluh, Jorge I.F.;Borges, Lunna P.;Bagshaw, Sean M.;Hudson, Darren;Christiansen, Christian F.;Heide-Jorgensen, Uffe;Lone, Nazir I.;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart;Celi, Leo A.;Rush, Barret (2024). Epidemiology of Renal Replacement Therapy for Critically Ill Patients across Seven Health Jurisdictions, S. Karger AG, In: American Journal of Nephrology, S. 1-12
Eichinger, Johanna;Dupont, Anne-Sylvie;McLennan, Stuart;Filges, Isabel;Koné, Insa;Elger, Bernice S (2023). «Every diagnosis is actionable.» – Reimbursement of paediatric exome sequencing, Editions Weblaw, In: Editions Weblaw
[mehr...]Eichinger, Johanna;Zimmermann, Bettina;Elger, Bernice;McLennan, Stuart;Filges, Isabel;Koné, Insa (2023). 'It's a nightmare': informed consent in paediatric genome-wide sequencing. A qualitative expert interview study from Germany and Switzerland., Band 31, Ausgabe 12, S. 1398-1406
[mehr...]Faihs, Valentina;Heininger, Susanne;McLennan, Stuart;Gartmeier, Martin;Berberat, Pascal O;Wijnen-Meijer, Marjo (2023). Professional Identity and Motivation for Medical School in First-Year Medical Students: A Cross-sectional Study., Band 33, Ausgabe 2, S. 431-441
[mehr...]Fiske, Amelia;Lange, Johannes;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2023). Responding to uncertainty in the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from Bavaria, Germany, Band 50, Ausgabe 5, S. 881-892
[mehr...]Fiske, Amelia;Lange, Johannes;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2023). Responding to uncertainty in the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from Bavaria, Germany, Oxford University Press (OUP), In: Science and Public Policy, Band 50, Ausgabe 5, S. 881-892
[mehr...]Fritzsche, Marie-Christine;Akyüz, Kaya;Cano Abadía, Mónica;McLennan, Stuart;Marttinen, Pekka;Mayrhofer, Michaela Th;Buyx, Alena M (2023). Ethical layering in AI-driven polygenic risk scores-New complexities, new challenges., Band 14
[mehr...]Johnson, Stephanie;Roberts, Stephen;Hayes, Sarah;Fiske, Amelia;Lucivero, Federica;McLennan, Stuart;Phillips, Amicia;Samuel, Gabrielle;Prainsack, Barbara (2023). Understanding Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Support During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Kingdom., Band 16, Ausgabe 3, S. 245-260
[mehr...]Johnson, Stephanie;Roberts, Stephen;Hayes, Sarah;Fiske, Amelia;Lucivero, Federica;McLennan, Stuart;Phillips, Amicia;Samuel, Gabrielle;Prainsack, Barbara (2023). Understanding Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Support During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Kingdom, Oxford University Press (OUP), In: Public Health Ethics, Band 16, Ausgabe 3, S. 245-260
[mehr...]McLennan, Stuart;Briel, Matthias (2023). A call for error management in academic clinical research., Band 154, S. 208-211
[mehr...]Tigard, Daniel W.;Braun, Maximilian;Breuer, Svenja;Ritt, Konstantin;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena (2023). Toward best practices in embedded ethics: Suggestions for interdisciplinary technology development, Band 167
[mehr...]Zimmermann, Bettina M;Buyx, Alena;McLennan, Stuart (2023). Newspaper coverage on solidarity and personal responsibility in the COVID-19 pandemic: A content analysis from Germany and German-speaking Switzerland., Band 22
[mehr...]Zimmermann, Bettina M;Paul, Katharina T;Araújo, Emília R;Buyx, Alena;Ferstl, Sebastian;Fiske, Amelia;Kraus, David;Marelli, Luca;McLennan, Stuart;Porta, Vittoria;Prainsack, Barbara;Radhuber, Isabella M;Saxinger, Gertrude (2023). The social and socio-political embeddedness of COVID-19 vaccination decision-making: A five-country qualitative interview study from Europe., Band 41, Ausgabe 12, S. 2084-2092
McLennan, Stuart; Rachut, S; Lange, J; Fiske, Amelia; D, Heckmann; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Practices and attitudes of Bavarian stakeholders regarding the secondary-use of health data for research purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24, 6, e38754, 10.2196/38754
Heravi, T; Henn, A; Deuster, S; McLennan, Stuart; V, Gloy; Mitter, V; Briel, M; (2022) Investigational Medicinal Products, related Costs and Hospital Pharmacy Services for Investigator-Initiated Trials: An empirical mixed-methods study, PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264427
Satalkar, P*; McLennan, Stuart*; Elger, BS; von Elm, E; M, Briel; (2022) Investigators‘ sense of failure thwarted transparency in clinical trials discontinued for poor recruitment , Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 145, 136-143, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclinepi.2022.01.024
Wilhelm, D; Hartwig, R; McLennan, Stuart; Arnold, S; P, Mildner; Feußner, H; Neumuth, T; Bieck, R; (2022) Ethische, legale und soziale Implikationen bei der Anwendung künstliche-Intelligenz-gestützter Technologien in der Chirurgie , Der Chirurg, 3, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00104-022-01574-2
McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Ethische Aspekte digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien Marckmann, Georg; , Praxisbuch Ethik in der Medizin [Practical book on ethics in medicine], 2. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage [2nd edition], Berlin, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 227-234
McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Tigard, Daniel; Müller, R; Sami, Haddadin; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Embedded ethics: a proposal for integrating ethics into the development of medical AI , BMC Med Ethics, 23, 6, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-022-00746-3
Hangel, Nora; Schönweitz, Franziska; McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Bettina, Zimmermann; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Solidaristic behavior and its limits: A qualitative study about German and Swiss residents’ behaviors towards public health measures during COVID-19 lockdown in April 2020, SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100051
Fiske, Amelia; Schönweitz, Franziska; Eichinger, Johanna; Zimmermann, Bettina; Nora, Hangel; Sierawska, Anna; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2022) The COVID-19 Vaccine: Trust, doubt, and hope for a future beyond the pandemic in Germany, Plos One, 17, 4, e0266659, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0266659
Fiske, Amelia; Galasso, Ilaria; Zimmermann, Bettina; McLennan, Stuart; Isabella, Radhuber; Prainsack, Barbara; (2022) The Second Pandemic: Examining structural inequality through reverberations of COVID-19 in Europe, Social Science and Medicine, 292, 114634
McLennan, Stuart; (2022) Die ethische Aufsicht über die Datenwissenschaft im Gesundheitswesen [The ethical oversight of data science in health care] Richter, Gesine; Loh, W; Buyx, Alena; Graf von Kielmansegg, S; , Datenreiche Medizin und das Problem der Einwilligung:, Ethische, rechtliche und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven [Data-rich medicine and the problem of consent: Ethical, Legal and Social Science Perspectives], Berlin/Heidelberg, 55-69, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62987-1_4
Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; (2022) Diversity in German-speaking medical ethics and humanities. , Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 19(4), 643-653
Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2022) Qualitative Evidence for Concern: Digital health technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic, AJOB Neuroscience, 13, 3, 204-206, https://doi.org/10.1080/21507740.2022.2082587
McLennan, Stuart; Jansen, Carolin; Buyx, Alena; (2021) The Discussion of Risk in German Surgical Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Qualitative Review, Innovative Surgical Science, https://doi.org/10.1515/iss-2020-0026
McLennan, Stuart; Nussbaumer-Streit, B; Hemkens, L; Briel, M; (2021) Barriers and Facilitating Factors for Conducting Systematic Evidence Assessments in Academic Clinical Trials , JAMA Network Open, 4, 11, e2136577, 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.36577
McLennan, Stuart; Griessbach, A; Briel, M; (2021) Practices and attitudes of Swiss stakeholders regarding investigator-initiated clinical trials funding acquisition and cost management , JAMA Network Open, 4, 6, e2111847, https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.11847
Eichinger, Johanna; Kone, I; Filges, I; Shaw, D; Bettina, Zimmermann; Elger, B; McLennan, Stuart; (2021) The full spectrum of ethical issues in pediatric genome-wide sequencing: a systematic qualitative review, BMC Pediatrics, 21, 387, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-021-02830-w
Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Ethical Insights from the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany: considerations for building resilient healthcare systems in Europe, Lancet Regional Health Europe, 9, 23.05.2174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100213
Briel, M; Elger, B; McLennan, Stuart; Schandelmaier, S; E, von Elm; Satalkar, P; (2021) Exploring reasons for recruitment failure in clinical trials: a qualitative study with clinical trial stakeholders in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada, Trials, 22, 844, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-021-05818-0
Emmert, M*; McLennan, Stuart*; (2021) One Decade of Online Patient Feedback: A Longitudinal Analysis of Data from a German Physician Rating Website, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, 7, e24229, https://doi.org/10.2196/24229
Zimmermann, Bettina; Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Sierawska, Anna; Nora, Hangel; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Motivations and Limits for COVID-19 Policy Compliance in Germany and Switzerland , International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.30
Fiske, Amelia; Schneider, A; McLennan, Stuart; Karapetyan, S; Alena, Buyx; (2021) The Impact of COVID-19 on Patient Health and Self-Care Practices: A mixed methods survey with German patients, BMJ Open, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051167
Kuhn, Eva; Müller, S; Teusch, C; Tanner, G; M, Gude; Baur, C; Heidbrink, L; Bamberg, E; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena; (2021) Interfaces of Occupational Health Management and Corporate Social Responsibility: A multi-centre qualitative study from Germany, BMC Public Health, 21, 1042, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11016-z
McLennan, Stuart; (2020) Rejected Online Feedback from a Swiss Physician Rating Website between 2008 to 2017: Analysis of 2352 Ratings, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22, 8, e18374, https://doi.org/10.2196/18374
Gloy, V; McLennan, Stuart; Rinderknecht, M; Ley, B; B, Meier; Driessen, S; Gervasoni, P; Hirschel, B; Benkert, P; Gilles, I; von Elm, E; Briel, M; (2020) Uncertainties about the need for ethics approval in Switzerland: a mixed-methods study, Swiss Medical Weekly, 150, w20318, https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2020.20318
McLennan, Stuart; Lee, MM; Fiske, Amelia; Celi, LA; (2020) AI ethics is not a panacea , The American Journal of Bioethics, 20, 11, 20-22, https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2020.1819470
McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Haddadin, Sami; Harder, Jan; Alena, Buyx; (2020) Embedded ethics: A proposal for integrating ethics into the development of healthcare AI, Nature Machine Intelligence, https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-020-0214-1
Fiske, Amelia; Tigard, Daniel; Müller, Ruth; Haddadin, Sami; Alena, Buyx; McLennan, Stuart; (2020) Embedded ethics could help implement the pipeline model framework for machine learning healthcare applications Comment , American Journal of Bioethics, doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2020.1820101
McLennan, Stuart; Fiske, Amelia; Celi, LA; Müller, R; J, Harder; Ritt, K; Haddadin, S; Buyx, Alena; (2020) An embedded ethics approach for AI development , Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, 488-490, https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-020-0214-1
McLennan, Stuart; Moore, J; (2019) New Zealand District Health Boards’ Open Disclosure Policies: A Qualitative Review, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 16, 1, 35-44, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11673-018-9894-1
McLennan, Stuart; (2019) The ethical oversight of learning health care activities in Switzerland: a qualitative study, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 31, 31, G81-G86, https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzz045
McLennan, Stuart; Shaw, D; Celi, LA; (2019) The challenge of local consent requirements for global critical care databases , Intensive Care Medicine, 45, 246–248, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00134-018-5257-y
McLennan, Stuart; (2019) The Content and Nature of Narrative Comments on Swiss Physician Rating Websites: Analysis of 849 Comments, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, 9, e14336, https://doi.org/10.2196/14336
Martani, A; Genevieve, LD; Pauli-Magnus, C; McLennan, Stuart*; B*, Elger; (2019) Regulating the secondary use of data for research: arguments against genetic exceptionalism, Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 1254, https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2019.01254
McLennan, Stuart; (2019) Quantitative Ratings and Narrative Comments on Swiss Physician Rating Websites: Frequency Analysis, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, 7, e13816, https://doi.org/10.2196/13816
McLennan, Stuart; Maritz, R; Shaw, D; Elger, B; (2018) The inconsistent ethical oversight of health care quality data in Switzerland , Swiss Medical Weekly, 148, w14637, https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2018.14637
McLennan, Stuart; Kahrass, H; Wieschowski, S; Strech, D; H, Langhof; (2018) The spectrum of ethical issues in a Learning Health Care System: a systematic qualitative review, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 30, 3, 161–168, https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzy005
McLennan, Stuart; Strech, D; Kahrass, H; (2018) Why are so few patients rating their physicians on German physician rating websites? A qualitative study, BMC Health Services Research, 18, 670, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3492-0
Tyler, PD; Stone, DJ; Geisler, BP; McLennan, Stuart; LA, Celi; Rush, BR; (2018) Racial and Geographic Disparities in Interhospital ICU Transfers , Critical Care Medicine, 46, 1, e76–e80, https://doi.org/10.1097/CCM.0000000000002776
McLennan, Stuart; (2018) The law as a barrier to error disclosure: a misguided focus? , Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 19, p. 1-5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tacc.2018.02.002
McLennan, Stuart; Strech, D; Kahrass, H; (2017) Public awareness and use of German physician ratings sites: Cross-sectional survey of four north German cities, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19, 11, e387, https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7581
Pless, A*; McLennan, Stuart*; Nicca, D; Shaw, D; B, Elger; (2017) Reasons why Nurses Decline Influenza Vaccination: a Qualitative Study, BMC Nursing, 16, p. 20, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-017-0215-5
McLennan, Stuart; Schwappach, D; Harder, Y; Staender, S; B, Elger; (2017) Patient Safety Issues in Office-based Surgery and Anaesthesia in Switzerland: A Qualitative Study, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen [The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care], 125, 23-29, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.zefq.2017.06.002
Pless, A; Shaw, D; McLennan, S*; Elger, E*; (2017) Nurses’ Attitudes towards Enforced Measures to Increase Influenza Vaccination: A Qualitative Study, Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 11, 3, 247-253, https://doi.org/10.1111/irv.12441
McLennan, Stuart; Strech, D; Reimann, S; (2017) Developments in the Frequency of Ratings and Evaluation Tendencies: A Review of German Physician Rating Websites, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19, 8, e299, https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6599
McLennan, Stuart; Diebold, M; Rich, LE; Elger, B; (2016) Nurses’ Perspectives Regarding the Disclosure of Errors to Patients: A Qualitative Study, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 54, 16-22, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.10.001
McLennan, Stuart; Rich, LE; Truog, RD; (2015) Apologies in medicine: Legal protection is not enough, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 187, 5, E156-159, https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.131860
McLennan, Stuart; Elger, B; (2015) Criminal Liability and Medical Errors in Switzerland: An Unjust System?, Revue Suisse de droit de la santé/Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Gesundheitsrecht [Swiss Journal of Health Law], 135-142
McLennan, Stuart; Engel-Glatter, S; Meyer, AH; Schwappach, DLB; DH, Scheidegger; Elger, B; (2015) The Impact of Medical Errors on Swiss Anaesthesiologists: A Cross-Sectional Survey, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 59, 990-998, https://doi.org/10.1111/aas.12517
McLennan, Stuart; Engel-Glatter, S; Meyer, AH; Schwappach, DLB; DH, Scheidegger; Elger, B; (2015) Disclosing and Reporting Medical Errors: Cross-sectional survey of Swiss Anaesthesiologists, European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2, 7, 471-476, https://doi.org/10.1097/EJA.0000000000000236
McLennan, Stuart; Shaw, D; Leu, A; Elger, B; (2015) Professional Liability Insurance and Medical Error Disclosure , Swiss Medical Weekly, 145, w14173, https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2015.14164
Werding, M; McLennan, Stuart; (2015) International Portability of Health-Cost Cover: Mobility, Insurance, and Redistribution, CESifo Economic Studies, 61, 2, 484-519, https://doi.org/10.1093/cesifo/ifu022
McLennan, Stuart; Rich, LE; (2014) Should Health Care Providers Be Forced to Apologise After Things Go Wrong? , Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 11, 4, 431-435, https://doi.org/10.1111/jdv.18192
Fuchs, L; Novack, V; McLennan, Stuart; Celi, LA; Y, Baumfeld; Park, S; Howell, MD; Talmor, DS; McLennan, Stuart; Talmor, D; Celi, LA; (2014) Trends in severity of illness on ICU admission and mortality among the elderly , PLOS ONE, 9, 4, e93234, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0093234
McLennan, Stuart; (2014) Behandlungsfehler [Medical Errors] Elger, B; Biller-Andorno, N; Rütsche, B; , Ethik und Recht in Medizin und Biowissenschaften, aktuelle Fallbeispiele aus Klinischer Praxis und Forschung [Ethics and Law in Medicine and Biological Sciences – Current Case Studies from Clinical Practice and Research], Berlin, De Gruyter, p. 3-18
McLennan, Stuart; (2013) The Handling of Medical Errors in New Zealand Frewer, A; Schmidt, KW; Bergemann, L; , Jahrbuch Ethik in der Klinik:, Fehler und Ethik in der Medizin Neue Wege für Patientenrechte [Yearbook Ethics in the Clinic: Errors and Ethics in Medicine, New Approaches for Patients‘ Rights], Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 339-345
McLennan, Stuart; Engel, S; Ruhe, K; Leu, A; D, Schwappach; Elger, B; (2013) Implementation Status of Error Disclosure Standards Reported by Swiss Hospitals , Swiss Medical Weekly, 143, w13820, https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2013.13820
McLennan, Stuart; Truog, RD; (2013) Apology Laws and Open Disclosure , Medical Journal of Australia, 198, 8, 411-412, https://doi.org/10.5694/mja12.11339
McLennan, Stuart; (2012) CPR Policies and the Patient’s Best Interests , Journal of Resuscitation, 83, 168-170, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2011.10.007
McLennan, Stuart; Beitat, K; Lauterberg, J; Vollmann, J; (2012) Regulating Open Disclosure: A German Perspective, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 24, 1, 23-27, https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzr073
McLennan, Stuart; (2012) Accessing Justice After An Adverse Event: An International PerspectiveSchmidt, KW; Sold, M; Verrel, T; , Zum Umgang mit Behandlungsfehlern:, (Organisations) Ethische, rechliche und psychosoziale Aspekte [Dealing with Medical Errors: (Organisations) Ethical, Legal and Psychological Aspects], Berlin, Lit Verlag, 263-275
McLennan, Stuart; Paterson, R; Skegg, PDG; Aickin, R; (2011) The use of CPR in New Zealand: is it always lawful?, New Zealand Medical Journal, 124, 1328, 106-112, https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal-articles/the-use-of-cpr-in-new-zealand-is-it-always-lawful
McLennan, Stuart; Wicker, S; (2010) Reflections of the influenza vaccination of healthcare workers , Vaccine, 28, 51, 8061-8064, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.10.019
McLennan, Stuart; Celi, LA; Gillett, G; Penney, J; M, Foss; (2010) Nurses share their views on end-of-life issues , Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 16, 4, p. 12-14
McLennan, Stuart; Vollweiler, M; Celi, LA; (2009) How can nurses’ ‘flu vaccination rates be boosted? , Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 15, 4, p. 12-14
McLennan, Stuart; (2008) The development of CPR , New Zealand Medical Journal, 121, 1284, 71-77
Glasgow, JL; McLennan, Stuart; High, KJ; Celi, LA; (2008) Quality of Dying in a New Zealand Teaching Hospital , Quality and Safety in Health Care, 17, 4, 244-248, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/qshc.2007.024745
McLennan, Stuart; Gillett, G; Ceil, LA; (2008) Healer, heal thyself: Health care workers and the influenza vaccination, American Journal of Infection Control. 2008;36(1):1-4., 36, 1, p. 1-4, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2007.07.010
Carden, GP; Graham, JW; McLennan, Stuart; Celi, LA; (2008) Long-Term Outcome of Long Stay ICU and HDU Patients in a New Zealand Hospital , Critical Care and Shock, 11, 1, 173-181, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3678292/pdf/nihms-393273.pdf
McLennan, Stuart; Celi, LA; Roth, P; (2007) The Health and Safety in Employment Act and the influenza vaccination of healthcare workers , New Zealand Medical Journal, 120, 1250, p. 1-6
McLennan, Stuart; (2005) Surrogacy and the Child’s Right to Identity , New Zealand Family Law Journal, 5, 4, 96-100