Prof. Dr. Marcello Ienca



The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Human Enhancement
F Jotterand, M Ienca
Taylor & Francis (2023)

Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights
M Ienca, O Pollicino, L Liguori, R Andorno, E Stefanini
Cambridge Univerity Press (2022)

Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health: Philosophical, Ethical & Policy Issues
F Jotterand, M Ienca
Springer (2022)

Intelligent assistive technologies for dementia: clinical, ethical, social, and regulatory implications
F Jotterand, M Ienca, B Elger, T Wangmo
Oxford University Press, USA (2019)

Intelligenza^2: Per un’unione di intelligenza naturale e artificiale
M Ienca
Rosenberg & Sellier (2019)




On Artificial Intelligence and Manipulation
M Ienca
Topoi 42, 833-842

Minding Rights: Mapping Ethical and Legal Foundations of ‘Neurorights’
S Ligthart, M Ienca, G Meynen, F Molnar-Gabor, R Andorno, C Bublitz, …
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32:4, 461-481

How I became myself after merging with a computer: Does human-machine symbiosis raise human rights issues?
F Gilbert, M Ienca, M Cook
Brain Stimulation 16 (3), 783-789

Future Developments in Brain/Neural–Computer Interface Technology
SR Soekadar, M Vermehren, A Colucci, D Haslacher, C Bublitz, M Ienca, …
Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology: The Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces, 65-86

Don’t pause giant AI for the wrong reasons
M Ienca
Nature Machine Intelligence 5, 470-471

Medical data sharing and privacy: a false dichotomy?
M Ienca
Swiss Medical Weekly 153 (1), 40019

Out of their minds? Externalist challenges for using AI in forensic psychiatry
G Starke, A D’Imperio, M Ienca
Frontiers in psychiatry 14, 1209862

Ethical considerations of digital therapeutics for mental health
C Landers, B Wies, M Ienca
Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction (2023), 205-217



Digital Nudging: Exploring the Ethical Boundaries
M Ienca, E Vayena
The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics (2021), C19.S1-C19.S17

Neuroscience is ready for neuroethics engagement
J Das, C Forlini, DM Porcello, KS Rommelfanger, A Salles, N Akter, A Rachel, T Araki, F Arie, T Asakawa, A J Bennett, L Bitsch, O Carter, M Fukuda, T Fukushi, S Hendriks, K Herrera-Ferra, M Ienca, Judy Illes…
Frontiers in Communication 7, 909964

Health data privacy through homomorphic encryption and distributed ledger computing: an ethical-legal qualitative expert assessment study
J Scheibner, M Ienca, E Vayena
BMC Medical Ethics 23, 121

Misplaced Trust and Distrust: How Not to Engage with Medical Artificial Intelligence
G Starke, M Ienca
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2022), 1-10

The present and future of neural interfaces
D Valeriani, F Santoro, M Ienca
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 16, 953968

Why converging technologies need international regulation
D Helbing, M Ienca
SSRN 4183791

Towards a governance framework for brain data
M Ienca, JJ Fins, RJ Jox, F Jotterand, S Voeneky, R Andorno, T Ball, …
Neuroethics 15, Article 20

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Big Data – A Comprehensive Overview
E Viganò, M Christen, BS Elger, M Ienca, M Loi, C Schneble, M Burri, …
White Paper of the ELSI Task Force for the National Research Programme “Big Data”

Brain and Mental Health in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
M Ienca
Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health: Philosophical, Ethical & Policy Issues, Advances in Neuroethics (2022), 261-265

Human-Machine Symbiosis and the Hybrid Mind
C Bublitz, J Chandler, M Ienca
The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights (2022), 286-303

The challenges of big data for research ethics committees: A qualitative Swiss study
A Ferretti, M Ienca, MR Velarde, S Hurst, E Vayena
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 17 (1-2), 129-143

Health data privacy through homomorphic encryption and distributed ledger computing: an ethical-legal qualitative expert assessment study
E Vayena, M Ienca, J Scheibner
BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1): 1-13

Mental data protection and the GDPR
M Ienca, G Malgieri
Journal of Law and the Biosciences 9 (1), 1-19



Common human rights challenges raised by different applications of neurotechnologies in the biomedical field
M Ienca
Council of Europe, October 202, 1-74

On neurorights
M Ienca
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 701258

Ethical requirements for responsible research with hacked data
M Ienca, E Vayena
Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (9), 744-748

Benefits, challenges, and contributors to success for national eHealth systems implementation: a scoping review
J Scheibner, J Sleigh, M Ienca, E Vayena
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (9), 2039-2049

Digital mental health for young people: a scoping review of ethical promises and challenges
B Wies, C Landers, M Ienca
Frontiers in digital health 3, 697072

Digital health interventions for healthy ageing: a qualitative user evaluation and ethical assessment
M Ienca, C Schneble, RW Kressig, T Wangmo
BMC Geriatrics 21, 412

The EU regulates AI but forgets to protect our mind
G Malgieri, M Ienca
European Law Blog, 07.07.2021

The long shadow of childhood cancer: a qualitative study on insurance hardship among survivors of childhood cancer
MJ Hendriks, E Harju, K Roser, M Ienca, G Michel
BMC Health Services Research 21, Article 503

Ethics review of big data research: What should stay and what should be reformed?
A Ferretti, M Ienca, M Sheehan, A Blasimme, ES Dove, B Farsides, …
BMC Medical Ethics 22, Article 55

On the verge of the hybrid mind
S Soekadar, J Chandler, M Ienca, C Bublitz
Morals & Machines 1 (1), 30-43

Is it ethical to use hacked data in scientific research?
M Ienca, E Vayena
SSRN 3843733

Revolutionizing medical data sharing using advanced privacy-enhancing technologies: technical, legal, and ethical synthesis
J Scheibner, JL Raisaro, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, M Ienca, J Fellay, …
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (2), e25120

Digital predictors of morbidity, hospitalization, and mortality among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Daniolou, A Rapp, C Haase, A Ruppert, M Wittwer, A Scoccia Pappagallo, N Pandis, R W Kressig, M Ienca
Frontiers in digital health 2, 602093

Neuroderechos:¿ por qué debemos actuar antes de que sea demasiado tarde?.
M Ienca
Anuario internacional CIDOB 1, 42-43

Can Distributed Ledger Technology Support Auditability of Patient Data in Electronic Health Records? A Comparative Legal Study
J Scheibner, M Ienca, E Vayena
JL Inf. & Sci. 26 (1), 173-201

Neurodiritti, quali nuove tutele per la sfera mentale: tutti i nodi etico-giuridici
M Ienca
Network Digital 360, Cultura E Società  Digitali, 18.03.2021

Neurotecnologie, governi e big tech al lavoro: evoluzione e sfide etiche
M Ienca
Network Digital 360, Cultura E Società  Digitali, 18.03.2021

The security and military implications of neurotechnology and artificial intelligence
JM Rickli, M Ienca
Clinical Neurotechnology Meets Artificial Intelligence (2021), 197-214

Implementing AI in Healthcare An Ethical and Legal Analysis Based on Case Studies
E Fosch-Villaronga, D Chokoshvili, VB Vallevik, M Ienca, RL Pierce
Data Protection and Privacy Vol. 13, Chapter 7, 187-216



Whose health record?: A comparison of patient rights under National Electronic Health Record (NEHT) regulations in Europe and Asia-Pacific jurisdictions
J Scheibner, M Ienca, E Vayena
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies (03/2021), 56-75

What we talk about when we talk about trust: Theory of trust for AI in healthcare
F Gille, A Jobin, M Ienca
Intelligence-Based Medicine 1-2, 100001

Big data, biomedical research, and ethics review: new challenges for IRBs
A Ferretti, M Ienca, S Hurst, E Vayena
Ethics & human research 42 (5), 17-28

Digital tools against COVID-19: taxonomy, ethical challenges, and navigation aid
U Gasser, M Ienca, J Scheibner, J Sleigh, E Vayena
The Lancet Digital Health 2 (8), e425-e434

Digital tools against COVID-19: Framing the ethical challenges and how to address them
U Gasser, M Ienca, J Scheibner, J Sleigh, E Vayena

Artificial intelligence in clinical neuroscience: methodological and ethical challenges
M Ienca, K Ignatiadis
AJOB neuroscience 11 (2), 77-87

On the responsible use of digital data to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
M Ienca, E Vayena
Nature medicine 26, 463-464

“Hunting Down My Son’s Killer”: New Roles of Patients in Treatment Discovery and Ethical Uncertainty
M Ienca, E Vayena
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17, 37-47

Towards regulation of AI systems
I Ben-Israel, J Cerdio, A Ema, L Friedman, M Ienca, A Mantelero, …
Council of Europe 2020 (16), 1-193

AI ethics guidelines: European and global perspectives
M Ienca, E Vayena
Council of Europe, CAHAI(2020)07-fin

Data protection and ethics requirements for multisite research with health data: a comparative examination of legislative governance frameworks and the role of data protection technologies
J Scheibner, M Ienca, S Kechagia, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, JL Raisaro, …
Journal of Law and the Biosciences 7 (1), lsaa010

What is neurohacking? Defining the conceptual, ethical and legal boundaries
M Ienca, J Scheibner
Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics 3, 203-231



Ethical concerns with the use of intelligent assistive technology: findings from a qualitative study with professional stakeholders
T Wangmo, M Lipps, RW Kressig, M Ienca
BMC medical ethics 20, Article 98

Democratizing cognitive technology: a proactive approach
M Ienca
Ethics and Information Technology 21, 267-280

The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines
A Jobin, M Ienca, E Vayena
Nature machine intelligence 1 (9), 389-399

Ethical challenges associated with health-related big data research
M Ienca
European Journal of Public Health 29 (Supplement 4)

Direct-to-consumer neurotechnology: What is it and what is it for?
M Ienca, E Vayena
AJOB Neuroscience 10 (4), 149-151

Privacy and security issues in assistive technologies for dementia
M Ienca, E Fosch-Villaronga
Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications (2019), 221-239

Dementia in the Digital Age
T Wangmo, M Ienca
Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications (2019), 294-296

Reply to “separating neuroethics from neurohype”
M Ienca, P Haselager, EJ Emanuel
Nature Biotechnology 37, 991-992

Synthetic Biology and the Translational Imperative
R Heidari Feidt, M Ienca, BS Elger, M Folcher
Science and engineering ethics 25, 33-53

Correction to: Synthetic Biology and the Translational Imperative
M Folcher, BS Elger, M Ienca, RH Feidt
Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1), 53-53

The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines
A Jobin, M Ienca, E Vayena
Nature Machine Intelligence, 1 (9), 389–399

Deflating the ‚personalized medicine bubble‘: can the capability approach help?
C Brall, M Ienca
Bioethica Forum 12, 4-6

How the General Data Protection Regulation changes the rules for scientific research
M Ienca, J Scheibner, A Ferretti, F Gille, J Amann, J Sleigh, A Blasimme, …
European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel, PE634.447

Tra cervelli e macchine: riflessioni su neurotecnologie e su neurodiritti
M Ienca
notizie di Politeia, XXXV 133, ISSN 1128-2401, 62-62

Synthetic Biology and the Translational Imperative
M Folcher, BS Elger, M Ienca, RH Feidt
Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1), 33-52



Dual use in the 21st century: emerging risks and global governance
M Ienca, E Vayena
Swiss medical weekly 148 (4748), 14688

Cognitive enhancement for the ageing world: opportunities and challenges
M Ienca, DM Shaw, B Elger
Cambridge University Press, Ageing & Society 39 (10), 2308-2321

The Neuroenhancement Continuum and the Minimal Rule
M Ienca
Contemporary Debates in Bioethics: European Perspectives, 23-36

Enhanced cognition, enhanced self? On neuroenhancement and subjectivity
A Ferretti, M Ienca
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 2, 348-355

Ungeschützter Blick in unsere Gedanken
M Ienca
Bonner Generalanzeiger 11 (28.11.2018)

Considerations for ethics review of big data health research: A scoping review
M Ienca, A Ferretti, S Hurst, M Puhan, C Lovis, E Vayena
PLOS ONE 13 (10), e0204937

Health professionals’ and researchers’ views on intelligent assistive technology for psychogeriatric care
M Ienca, M Lipps, T Wangmo, F Jotterand, B Elger, RW Kressig
Gerontechnology 17 (3), 139-150

Brain leaks and consumer neurotechnology
M Ienca, P Haselager, EJ Emanuel
Nature Biotechnology 36 (9), 805-810

Digital medicine and ethics: rooting for evidence
E Vayena, M Ienca
The American Journal of Bioethics 18 (9), 49-51

Ethical design of intelligent assistive technologies for dementia: a descriptive review
M Ienca, T Wangmo, F Jotterand, RW Kressig, B Elger
Science and Engineering Ethics 24, 1035-1055

Cambridge analytica and online manipulation
M Ienca, E Vayena
Scientific American 30.03.2018

Big data and dementia: charting the route ahead for research, ethics, and policy
M Ienca, E Vayena, A Blasimme
Frontiers in medicine 5, 13

Life scientists’ views and perspectives on the regulation of dual-use research of concern
S Engel-Glatter, M Ienca
Science and Public Policy 45 (1), 92-102

From Healthcare to Warfare and Reverse: How Should We Regulate Dual-Use Neurotechnology?
M Ienca, F Jotterand, BS Elger
NeuroView Neuron 97, 269-274

An evolutionary argument for the Extended Mind Hypothesis
M Ienca
Orbis Idearum 6 (1), 39-61



What Is Trust? Ethics and Risk Governance in Precision Medicine and Predictive Analytics
A Adjekum, M Ienca, E Vayena
Omics: A Journal of Integrative Biology 21 (12), 704-710

Proactive ethical design for neuroengineering, assistive and rehabilitation technologies: The Cybathlon lesson
M Ienca, RW Kressig, F Jotterand, B Elger
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 14 (1), 115

Safety and efficacy of a new swallowable intragastric balloon not needing endoscopy: early Italian experience
A Genco, I Ernesti, M Ienca, G Casella, S Mariani, D Francomano, …
Obesity Surgery 28 (2), 405-409

Synthetic Biology and the Translational Imperative.
M Ienca, BS Elger, M Folcher
Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1), 33-52

Towards new human rights in the age of neuroscience and neurotechnology
M Ienca, R Andorno
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 13 (1), 5

Hacking minds, hacking brains, hacking augmented bodies: Ethical aspects of Neurohacking
M Ienca
The First Biannual Neuroadaptive Technology Conference, 113-114

A new category of human rights: neurorights
M Ienca, R Andorno
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 13 (2017)

Brain Machine Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence and Neurorights
M Ienca
IEEE Brain 2017

The right to cognitive liberty: A new type of brain-imaging technology could expose—even change—our private thoughts
M Ienca
Scientific American 317, 10

Intelligent technologies for the aging brain: opportunities and challenges
M Ienca
University_of_Basel, Thesis Number 13317

Cognitive technology and human-machine interaction: The contribution of externalism to the theoretical foundations of machine and cyborg ethics
M Ienca
Analele Universității din București–Seria Filosofie 66 (2), 91-115

The biopolitics of neuroethics
F Jotterand, M Ienca
Debates about Neuroethics: Perspectives on Its Development, Focus and Future (2017), 246-263

Intelligent assistive technology for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias: a systematic review
M Ienca, F Jotterand, B Elger, M Caon, AS Pappagallo, RW Kressig, …
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 56 (4), 1301-1340



Supporting families and children living in the shadow of prisoners
V Schekter, M Ienca, BS Elger
Emerging Issues in Prison Health (2016), 13-34

Spiritual Help During Detention: Specific Responses to Different Stages and Types of Imprisonment
F Stüfen, M Ienca, BS Elger
Emerging Issues in Prison Health (2016), 85-106

Social and assistive robotics in dementia care: ethical recommendations for research and practice
M Ienca, F Jotterand, C Vică, B Elger
International Journal of Social Robotics 8, 565-573

Hacking the brain: brain–computer interfacing technology and the ethics of neurosecurity
M Ienca, P Haselager
Ethics and Information Technology 18, 117-129

The Contribution of Blindsight to the Understanding of Consciousness: Empirical, Conceptual and Normative Implications
M Ienca
Frontiers in Neuroethics: Conceptual and Empirical Advancements, 33-52



Sweet dreams: viaggio attraverso le neuroscienze cognitive dei sogni
M Ienca
Scienza Live, 1-3

Infanticidio di bambini disabili. Facciamo chiarezza sulle tesi di Peter Singer
M Ienca
Scienza Live, 1-3

Neuroprivacy, neurosecurity and brain-hacking: Emerging issues in neural engineering
M Ienca
Bioethica Forum 8 (2), 51-53



Interfacce cervello-computer: nuove frontier allíntersezione tra bioetica e sicurezza informatica
M Ienca
Bioetica, trimestrale Consulta die Bioetica n. 3-4, 363-378


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